Visual Art at Lyndhurst Primary School
At Lyndhurst Primary School we take great pride in our Visual Arts program. Lessons are taught in a well-resourced art room and are structured around the Victorian Curriculum guidelines. They are designed to engage with student interests, whilst stimulating imagination, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
Students are presented with different opportunities to communicate, challenge and express their observations, experiences, and ideas of the world around them. They investigate artworks of various artists, whilst encouraged to think beyond what they already know. They experiment with media, art tools and techniques to progressively build upon a broad range of skills, whilst developing self-confidence.
Students learn about the elements and principles of art and are encouraged to apply these creatively to achieve artworks unique to each individual. Art disciplines practiced include - drawing, painting, collage, multi-media, construction, printmaking and sculpture.
Lunchtime Art Clubs – The Year 6 Art Captains run a lunchtime art club for students to further develop their artistic skills.
Artist of the Week – On a weekly basis, a student from the junior and middle/senior school is presented at the school assembly, with a certificate for their artistic endeavour.