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Compass Update & Reminders 

We would like to take this moment to remind families that we use the Compass Portal as our student management program. If you have not yet registered for Compass, families MUST do so ASAP as all future communication will be done through the Compass portal. Parents can now enter absences, pay for excursions, and access reports, amongst other functions. The Parent Guide has been attached below for your convenience.


Parents are required to bring their children into the Office to log their late arrival themselves on the Compass Kiosk in the foyer. Any students that arrive at the Office unaccompanied by a parent will be entered as unapproved late arrival, and parents will need to log into Compass to approve the arrival.


We would like to remind parents that they must bring in their original driver’s licence as their photo ID to the Office for early pick-ups. After 3pm proof of appointment is also required for early pick up.

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