The focus of Science at Lyndhurst Primary School is to teach students that science is a part of their everyday lives and can help to explain many of the things they experience. Students’ curiosity is encouraged and through the scientific process of asking a question, conducting an experiment, and learning from the results they are supported to dive deep and use that information to make more educated observations about the world around them.
Science takes place in our dedicated science room, local wetlands and school gardens. Students learn through doing so most lessons involve hands on experimentation and observations using a wide variety of scientific equipment and digital technologies. Over the course of their learning at Lyndhurst Primary School students will progressively develop their scientific skills and language in the following areas.
Biology is the branch of science that studies life and living organisms. Students explore different features and behaviours that enable living things to survive. Our adjacent wetlands allow students to study first-hand how factors such as water quality, habitat and human interaction affect local wildlife.
Space and Earth Science
Earth and Space Science is about the Earth as a total system of interactive parts. It is the study of individual natural and man-made components and the relationship they have with one another. Students investigate the challenges of exploring space, testing different theories and vehicles. They explore the effect Earth’s rotation in space has on natural events. Back on Earth, they examine the interaction between living things and the effects natural and man-made changes have on the environment.
Chemistry is the branch of science that studies the properties of matter and how energy interacts with matter. In this topic students explore many different materials and see what can be done with them based on some of their key properties. They then use this knowledge to understand many natural phenomena.
Physics is a branch of science that explores how matter and energy interact. It explains many of the actions and processes we see around us. Students have fun building many models that involve using sound, light, electricity and motion. By the end of Year 6 students will have explored Newtons Laws of Motion and built a number of toys and machines in order to explore magnetism, electricity and circuits, friction, lift and gravity.