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Cyber Safety at Lyndhurst Primary School

At Lyndhurst Primary School, wellbeing and safety is one of our primary purposes. In the online world this relates to educating and protecting our students from online harms so that students can get the most out of positive experiences online. 


Using ICT Resources and the Internet

Dear Parents/Guardians,


Lyndhurst Primary School has a strong commitment to learning technologies. With interactive whiteboards/screens, high quality devices in all classrooms, a growing fleet of portable computing devices, audio-visual equipment, a high capacity internet connection and a high speed, school-wide network, we have tried to ensure that our students are able to take advantage of all of the opportunities that technology offers.


Through the Victorian Government’s state-wide, high-speed network, we are able to take our children on this exciting journey. Through the internet, we take Lyndhurst to the world and bring the world to Lyndhurst. Our students have access to the largest educational resource ever conceived and have the ability to contact students and others from all over the world in the twinkling of an eye.


Of course, with this opportunity, comes a need for responsible use. We have all read about, heard about or know of, material on the internet from which we need to protect our students. To this end, school access is closely controlled and monitored. To provide a highly controlled and protected environment for student safety Lyndhurst Primary only allows student “filtered” access to the internet sites and resources. However, the internet is a complex and ever-changing environment and much of the responsibility for avoiding inappropriate material lies with the users, in our case, the students. We also need to ensure that our children are being good ambassadors for Lyndhurst in their interactions with other net users and when they publish material for the internet.


Before using the Internet, students will be made aware of our expectations and rules regarding Acceptable Use of the resource, including World Wide Web, e-mail, chat lines, social networks, web 2 resources and other facilities. As parents, we are giving you a copy of this so that you can discuss it with your children and ensure that they are fully aware of the rules and the implications for breaking those rules. You may wish to use our policy as a means of monitoring your own home Internet access.


Along with this Acceptable Use Policy, we have included a Parent’s Declaration (for all children) and a Student’s Declaration (for Grades 3 to 6 only) that must be signed before children will be allowed to access the school’s internet resources. There is an additional user agreement for those students who are participating in our BYOD program.


I am sure you will appreciate the fantastic opportunity the internet offers our students to access, research and share information. Also, I know you will appreciate the responsibility that falls upon all of us to ensure that our children are protected from inappropriate material. Please read the attached Acceptable Use Policy and return the Declarations as soon as possible. Discuss the Policy with your child) in language that they understand so that they know that they must act responsibly.


If you have any queries or concerns regarding our policy, or if you have questions about protecting your children at home on the internet, please do not hesitate to call me at school.


Greg Lacey



Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Acceptable Use Guidelines

The use of ICT at Lyndhurst Primary School is continuing to expand with a large number of devices available for both student and staff use, as well as an increase in the facilities and support for teaching and learning. Hence, there is a need for a set of guidelines to assist students and staff in their most effective use. These guidelines incorporate a variety of moral, legal and professional issues that need to be addressed.

It is important for both students and staff to develop the skills necessary to become responsible, reliable and respectful users of ICT. In order to assist this process, the following is a set of guidelines for the safe and responsible use of all learning technologies.

1.Acceptable Use of ICT resources

  1. Students must always take complete care of the school’s ICT resources. If a student is using a device, it is their responsibility to ensure the device is returned correctly to its home.

  2. If a student damages the school’s or another student’s device in any way (either by intent or neglect) they may be asked to cover some or all of the costs of repairing the device.

2.Acceptable Use of the Internet

  1. Students must always seek permission from a teacher and be under teacher supervision at all times when accessing the internet.

  2. All staff will take responsibility for notifying the system administrator of any inappropriate material so that access can be removed.

  3. Use of the internet is for educational purposes only. Students are not to look for, view or download unacceptable graphics, sounds or text files at any time. If students are unsure of what is acceptable they are to ask a teacher for assistance.

  4. Access rights will be revoked for any person accessing, attempting to access or failing to notify the teacher of, any inappropriate material.

  5. The downloading of any material from the internet, particularly games, music, video and copyrighted materials, requires permission from a teacher.

  6. If a student should accidentally access a site with unacceptable material on it they should turn off the monitor or close the screen of a portable device and immediately tell a teacher.

  7. Staff are fully aware of their responsibilities in terms of internet use by making themselves familiar with the DEECD Appropriate Use Guidelines.

  8. All materials viewed, downloaded or accessed on the school’s internet resources by students should be suitable for primary age children. If it is indicated that material is for secondary school use, students should not access it. If students are unsure, they should not access it until permission is sought.

Note:     Simply because material is deemed suitable to be accessed at home, DOES NOT automatically indicate that it is appropriate at school!

3.Acceptable Use of Email Facilities

  1. All users should use normal, polite and considerate language when using e-mail facilities to send and receive messages.

  2. Only appropriate and approved e-mail software will be used throughout the school.

  3. Students may have their own e-mail accounts.

  4. Individuals are not to access any other person’s e-mail at any time.

  5. Sending any personal information (full name, address, phone numbers, etc.) via the school
    e-mail system is strictly forbidden.

  6. If a student should receive an e-mail message that makes them feel uncomfortable they are to immediately tell a teacher.

  7. Students are not to join any online program or service at school (or at home) using their school email account, without explicit permission from their classroom teacher.

  8. Students are not to join any online program or service using their email account, that is deemed inappropriate or that breaks any other part of these guidelines.

4.Publishing Work Using ICT

  1. Students should thoroughly check their work before attempting to publish it using ICT. This should include copyright issues, spelling, grammar, appropriateness of graphics, sounds, topic, etc.

  2. After being checked by a student, the work must then be checked thoroughly by a teacher, and be authorised as being suitable for publication.

  3. All members of the school community need to be aware of the need to publish material that promotes the school.

  4. Students and teachers must consider copyright laws at all times when copying any type of material for use in their work.

  5. If student work is to be published on the internet, permission must be gained from the owners of any material copied or used within their work, e.g. Pictures or sounds.

  6. Work to be published for viewing or use only within the school setting does not require parental permission.

  7. Student work will be designed to minimise the file sizes, thereby reducing the bandwidth and/or connection time for users loading the pages.

  8. Students will only use communication and content that is acceptable at Lyndhurst Primary School

5.Consequences for Disregard of the Acceptable Use Guidelines by Students

Students of Lyndhurst Primary School will be given every opportunity to utilise the extensive ICT facilities available to them. They also have a responsibility to use it sensibly and maturely. Students will undergo lessons aimed at developing in them a sense of responsibility and ownership when using these facilities. Should the children fail to follow these guidelines, the following strategies and consequences will be put in place.

  1. First or minor offence: Short term (one week) suspension from using any ICT within the school. Letter sent home to parents. This includes short term removal of access to a BYOD device.

  2. Second or more serious offence: Long term (one month) suspension from using any ICT within the school. Letter sent home accompanied by an interview with parents. This includes long term removal of access to a BYOD device.

  3. Any subsequent or particularly serious offence: Any subsequent or serious offences will be dealt with under school-wide welfare and discipline procedures as outlined in the student code of conduct. This may include permanent removal of access to a BYOD device and cancellation of the BYOD agreement.

  4. Notes:

  5. All offences should be reported to the Classroom Teacher and the Principal or Assistant Principal, where appropriate.

  6. Should a deliberate or particularly offensive act occur, step one or two may be bypassed.



ICT Declaration (for Prep to 2 Students)


I have read and discussed the ICT resource usage and internet protocol guidelines with my child and I understand that internet access is designed for educational purposes at Lyndhurst Primary School. I understand the school will provide adequate supervision and that steps have been taken to minimise risk of exposure to unsuitable material.



I give permission for my child to:

  • access the Internet for information within their classroom program

  • send and receive external e-mail from other primary school students

  • send and receive external e-mail from other people and organisations as approved by their classroom teacher

  • have their first name published on the school website or on education websites

  • have a photo or video of my child published on the school website or on password protected education websites, including the school’s social media platforms

  • have their work published on the school website or on password protected education websites

  • Join approved educational websites by their classroom teacher or online programs using their school email account, e.g. Wikispaces, Google Education services, Edmodo etc.


I will contact the school if there is anything here that I do not understand. If there is a situation which concerns me, I will contact either the school or Net Alert Australia's Internet Safety advisory body on 1800 880 176.


When using ICT resources and the Internet at Lyndhurst Primary School I will:

  • Take complete care of all equipment whether it be the school’s or another students’

  • Be liable for some or all of the costs associated with repairing devices, if I am deemed to have caused damage to a device by will or neglect.

  • Access internet resources only within the area specified by my teacher.

  • Keep myself and my friends safe respecting the privacy of others. For example, I will not give out personal information such as surnames, address, telephone number, parents' work address/telephone number.

  • Never send a person or website my picture or anything else without first checking with my teacher.

  • Always have my teacher’s permission before sending e-mail.

  • Never join an online program or service (at school or at home) using my school email account without explicit permission from my classroom teacher.

  • Not give out my password to anyone other than my parents, guardians or teacher.

  • Use the equipment properly and not interfere with the work of another student.

  • Not bring or download unauthorised programs, including games, to the school or run them on school computers.

  • Not go looking for rude or offensive sites.

  • Think carefully about what I read on the internet, question if it is from a reliable source and use the information to help me answer any questions

  • Not respond to any messages that are unpleasant or that make me feel uncomfortable in any way.  It is not my fault if I get a message like that.

  • Not respond to e-mail messages sent to me by a person I do not know.

  • Not use the internet to frighten or annoy or bully other people.

  • Not leave computer devices on the floor, or other places where a device may be damaged.

  • Not eat or drink near a computer device.

  • Always carry the device with two hands.

  • Always carry the device with the lid closed.

  • Always use an ICT Borrowing Card when using a school device, return the device to its correct location, and put the device on charge.

  • Always get permission from my teacher when I need to print so that wastage is minimised.


If I come across any information that is unsuitable or makes me feel uncomfortable I will turn off the monitor or close/cover the screen and then tell my teacher right away.

I have permission from my parents to:

  • access the Internet for information within my classroom program

  • send and receive external e-mail from other primary school students

  • send and receive external e-mail from other people and organisations as approved by my classroom teacher

  • Only join online programs or services using my school email account that have been approved by my classroom teacher.



I have read the Lyndhurst Primary School Acceptable Use Policy with my parents or guardians and discussed the contents. I understand that I need to use the Lyndhurst Primary School computers in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy. If I do not, I will face the consequences as listed in the policy.

ICT Declaration (for Year 3 to 6 Students)


When using ICT resources and the Internet at Lyndhurst Primary School I will:

  • Take complete care of all equipment whether it be the school’s or another students’

  • Be liable for some or all of the costs associated with repairing devices, if I am deemed to have caused damage to a device by will or neglect.

  • Access internet resources only within the area specified by my teacher.

  • Keep myself and my friends safe respecting the privacy of others. For example, I will not give out personal information such as surnames, address, telephone number, parents' work address/telephone number.

  • Never send a person or website my picture or anything else without first checking with my teacher.

  • Always have my teacher’s permission before sending e-mail.

  • Never join an online program or service (at school or at home) using my school email account without explicit permission from my classroom teacher.

  • Not give out my password to anyone other than my parents, guardians or teacher.

  • Use the equipment properly and not interfere with the work of another student.

  • Not bring or download unauthorised programs, including games, to the school or run them on school computers.

  • Not go looking for rude or offensive sites.

  • Think carefully about what I read on the internet, question if it is from a reliable source and use the information to help me answer any questions

  • Not respond to any messages that are unpleasant or that make me feel uncomfortable in any way.  It is not my fault if I get a message like that.

  • Not respond to e-mail messages sent to me by a person I do not know.

  • Not use the internet to frighten or annoy or bully other people.

  • Not leave computer devices on the floor, or other places where a device may be damaged.

  • Not eat or drink near a computer device.

  • Always carry the device with two hands.

  • Always carry the device with the lid closed.

  • Always use an ICT Borrowing Card when using a school device, return the device to its correct location, and put the device on charge.

  • Always get permission from my teacher when I need to print so that wastage is minimised.


If I come across any information that is unsuitable or makes me feel uncomfortable I will turn off the monitor or close/cover the screen and then tell my teacher right away.

I have permission from my parents to:

  • access the Internet for information within my classroom program

  • send and receive external e-mail from other primary school students

  • send and receive external e-mail from other people and organisations as approved by my classroom teacher

  • Only join online programs or services using my school email account that have been approved by my classroom teacher.



I have read the Lyndhurst Primary School Acceptable Use Policy with my parents or guardians and discussed the contents. I understand that I need to use the Lyndhurst Primary School computers in an appropriate manner and in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy. If I do not, I will face the consequences as listed in the policy.

Student BYOD User Agreement

(only for Years 4-6 students who have an approved BYOD device)


Device use:

  • I will only use the approved BYOD device for access to computer, communication and internet resources at school.

  • I will bring my BYOD device each day to school, fully charged with all school-required software installed and ready for use.

  • Ensure the device brought to school has memory space available to attend to the required learning tasks in the class

  • I will not use a phone, iPad, iPod, DS or other mobile device at school for any purpose.

  • I must never have a phone, iPad, iPod, DS or other mobile device in my possession or within access.

  • I know that if I don’t bring my BYOD device, or that it is not charged, I may not be allowed use of the limited amount of school devices available

(I understand that permission may be given to bring a mobile phone to school for safety reasons but, to do this, my parents must write to the Principal, I must have the Principal’s permission and the phone must be handed in at the office each morning.)


When I use my BYOD digital device at any time, I agree to:

  • Be responsible in my use and not use the device to find, create or send information that might be inappropriate or hurtful.

  • Take care to place the device on a stable surface and carry it with care

  • Protect the privacy of others and never post private information about another person.

  • Choose to use appropriate sites for learning, being mindful of school values

  • Not share passwords or private information with others

  • Seek permission from individuals involved prior to taking photos, recording sound or videoing them (including teachers).

  • Seek written permission from individuals involved prior to publishing or sending photos, recorded sound or video to anyone else or to any online space

  • Be respectful in how I talk to and work with others online and never write or participate in online bullying

  • Seek teacher permission before uploading any content to websites, blogs or other shared online spaces.

  • Ensure that all content including but not limited to software, apps, files, photos, videos and music must remain appropriate, as deemed by the school, at all times. (The school retains the right to review the content of any device registered under this agreement.)

  • Remove any inappropriate content as listed above if directed to by the school

  • Ensure that all content stored on the device is compliant with copyright law and regulations.

When I use my BYOD digital device at school, I agree to:

  • Take full responsibility for it, and keep it stored safely under my teacher’s supervision

  • Take care of all ICT resources whether owned by the school or other students, and be held accountable for neglectful, deliberate or wilful damage

  • Offer the device for auditing and review when asked by the school

  • Report issues or concerns with IT to staff for resolution

  • Only take photos and record sound or video when it is part of a class or lesson

  • Seek teacher permission before uploading any content to websites, blogs or other shared online spaces.

  • Bring my device to school fully charged as the school has limited facilities for recharging.


When I use my BYOD digital device at home, I agree to:

  • Take full responsibility for it, and keep it stored safely under my parent’s/guardian’s supervision

  • Use social media sites for positive communication or comment, only posting or sharing comments about the school and peers with permission

  • Report issues or concerns to my parent/guardian

  • Remember to build in time for rest from screen time

  • Only take photos and record sound or video that is appropriate as deemed by the school

  • Seek parent/guardian permission before uploading any content to websites, blogs or other shared online spaces.

  • Take appropriate precautions to prevent and remove viruses, trojans, malware and other malicious software

  • Take my own measures to back-up any personal files or software on the device. (I understand that it may be necessary, in some circumstances, to re-image the device to remedy technical issues. In this case all data may be lost.)


This Acceptable Use Policy also applies to students during school excursions, camps and extra-curricular activities. I acknowledge and agree to follow these rules. I understand that my access to the Internet and mobile technology at school will be renegotiated if I do not act responsibly.

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